Sunday, July 12, 2009

What is pure and undefiled religion? For that matter what is religion? We are surrounded by all kinds of people who say they are religious. Certainly many things, good and evil have been done in the name of religion. And if religion can be undefiled can it also be defiled? Good questions....... of course you can quit reading here or you can be adventurous and keep reading thus gaining access into my thoughts.....

If you looked up the word you might find something like "a social belief system" or if you looked in a Greek lexicon it would tell you that it is "external ceremonies having to do with religious discipline". Personally I'm not in love with the word religion (mostly that has to do with the fact that I believe religion is man's way to God NOT God's way to man) but since it is God Himself through James who uses the word I'll get on with it. Religion can indeed be undefiled and fortunately for us God tells us what that looks like..... James 1:27 tells us it is to visit the widows and orphans in their distress (and to keep yourself unstained by the world). I've thought so much about this recently as we have tried to follow "the Wild Goose" on this particular journey. We keep trying to "visit the orphan" but get thwarted at every turn! Maybe there is another way we can visit the orphan? Maybe we are limiting ourselves (and God) when we say we only want to adopt. Maybe God can use us differently?

Has God blessed you financially? Be kingdom minded with your resources. Has God given you arms to hold and cradle the orphan... seek them out! Has He given you talents which you can use to spread the word that there is a plight of the orphan? Have you even asked Him how He would have you respond to this need?

My arms feel empty because I want to hold a new daughter or son. I want to hold a child and have them call me Mommy. But God's plan is bigger. If I adopt one child I can help one child. BUT, if I commit money every year I can help several children EVERY YEAR!!!

Want to know how you can draw near to the orphan? Go to Go to the right of the page click on "how to help".... you will have so many options, one time help or sponsor a child.

This my dear ones is pure and undefiled religion (it is, as I have said before, the heart of God)
Now, as for that religion being man's way to God... instead seek out a relationship with Him and I think you will be well on your way to pure and undefiled....

1 comment:

  1. God isn't real.Its a fable tale that has been blown largly out of proportion.Its something nice we all like to think is real because we just cant possibly comprehend nothingness even when we sleep our brains are active(DREAMS) are the closest thing we can come to being infinite nothingness.religion is filled with great >stories< of what happens to us when we die,or atleast what we would like to think happens to us when we die.It makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside,when infact those are truely unfounded feelings even though thats what we so strive for.Stop being so small minded and open your self to other possibilities.The human race has got to be the dumbest race on earth,to prove that walk into your church and ask those questions that just dont make since to you about your god and the only answers you wil end up getting are "you just have to believe".Religion has done more detrimental damage to our race than anythng ever has and will ever come close to.Because of pea brained people like you that believe in invisible people that >are not there<
